Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Fix-It Success

It was too late last night to take photos of the park and our site, so here they are today. You can see that the park is already crowded in anticipation of the upcoming holiday, so we're lucky we got a spot.

Today we reattached our cornice board. Closer examination of the installation revealed that the part of the board that broke was securely screwed into a wooden rafter. The board is made of compressed wood, so the screws held but the wood didn’t. We found three other points where we could screw into the wood and drilled new holes in the cornice board. Clearly this is what should have been done originally, so we can only think they missed the mark. Now we feel confident that we won’t have any more problems with this board anyhow.

The electric hot water is plenty hot again, so whatever Ken did cleared up that problem too. We’re batting 1,000 (and knocking on wood….).

We walked over to the cottage to visit Ken’s brother, Gordon, this morning. When we arrived, we didn’t see any cars, so we thought no one might be home. When Ken walked up to the door, his nephew Mike was there and didn’t recognize him at all. Between the beard and the slimmer profile, Ken had changed a lot since the last time Mike saw him.

Gordon was home, too, so we got to have a good visit with him. He isn’t as active as he used to be—his strokes have slowed him down quite a bit. Shellie came back shortly from her grocery shopping trip. We talked about Kindles and her source for inexpensive e-books. Gordon enjoys his Kindle especially because he can adjust the font size.

We had soup and sandwiches for supper. I made the caramelized onion and apple topped sandwiches with Gruyere cheese (leaving out the chicken). They were yummy.