Thursday, June 9, 2011

Laundry and Lions

This morning we headed over to Hardy and Judy's with our laundry and plans to take a hike at Lane Spring Recreation Area. The laundry was done, but the hike is on hold until our next visit to Rolla. It was just too darned hot to get out and hike. We did get out for our morning walk along the private road that leads to their house. Judy lets the wildflowers grow along the road until they finish blooming.

Hardy and Judy were working to get their Casita cleaned up and packed. Unfortunately, Judy discovered that the mice had moved back in, and one had died in the closet, most odiferously. When Lysol and such failed to deal with the odor, Ken drove back to Venture and got our Odor Eliminator spray (made by Glade). It works really well for us to neutralize odors, and it worked quite well for Judy.

We had lunch at the house and then Judy drove to St. James to her old workplace to pick up a final check. Next she drove to the university in Rolla for Hardy to return a book to the library and then on to Walgreens to pick up a prescription.

On the way home, she spotted the Lions Club Park, and we stopped to walk around the small lake there. The park has more and more varied colorful children's playground equipment than we've ever seen in one park. The trail around the lake is .6 mile, and we walked around it twice. Ken took lots of photos of the large fountains and the rainbow the sun was making in the spray.

We went on home for supper and to try to get to bed earlier. We've been having way too much fun to get enough sleep lately!