Friday, June 17, 2011

Dancing Day Fun Dampened

We had a great day of square dancing today, starting with two hours of workshopping the calls Scoot and Plenty and Plenty, with Sandie Bryant and Anne Uebelacker. We never knew those calls could be called from so many different positions. We ate our picnic lunch at a table in the Garden Terrace, a lovely spot with a fountain and lots of flowers.

Someone told Sandie Bryant today that she was hard to dance to because her voice was so sexy!

This afternoon we enjoyed an hour of workshopping with Vic Ceder and the next hour with Lee Kopman, two of our very favorite callers.

Vic Ceder!

Lee Kopman with a rare smile

We drove back to the campground for supper. John and Sandy had invited Hardy and Judy and us to a chili dinner. We brought coleslaw and multigrain bread, and the Pottingers supplied the cornbread. Sandy also made some delicious brownies. On the picnic table where we ate was a vase of lovely irises from the Walenters' garden.

Friends and Food

We talked about our plan to take a cruise to Alaska next summer. Both Pottingers and Walenters have been to Alaska more than once, and they had lots of suggestions. After the meal, the Walenters brought out a laptop and showed us some of their Alaska photos--lots of spectacular scenery, lovely flowers, a very striking photo of a bear looking straight at the camera through some branches, and a wonderful shot of an eagle swooping in to scoop up a salmon carcass.

Ken had a chance to rest a bit before we headed back over for the evening's dancing while I washed the dishes and watched the PBS Newshour.

We had to get back early for the evening dancing because I was scheduled to be the C1 hall computer operator from 8:00-10:00 p.m.

The day's fun was very much dampened this evening when we learned that AACE had suffered a major theft. The receipt box, filled with thousands of dollars in cash and checks, was snatched from the registration table by a bold thief, right in front of staff sitting at the table. Some of the staff gave chase, but the thief escaped. Police advised dancers who had given AACE checks to call their banks to stop payment. The callers carried on, providing the dancers with plenty of entertainment. Someone suggested that donations to offset this loss would be welcomed, since it's highly unlikely that the money will be recovered. How sad and wrong!

Lee Kopman called again tonight in the C1 hall. He is developing a really bad cold with laryngitis--just what a caller needs. His wife Lilith danced in one square with us, with Marvin, a single dancer. Marvin used to belong to the Trailblazers, the Advanced and Challenge club we belonged to in LA. We also danced with some other Trailblazers, including David and Heidi, David Morehouse and Barbara Lane, Paul, and John and Sandy Marshall. It was fun to dance with old friends.

Our last caller tonight was Ross Howell. He was bemoaning the fact that after Lee Kopman retires, he'll be the "old man" at AACE.

Ross Howell

We have tired feet and tired brains after all day dancing, so off to bed.