Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today the only evidence that we had an ice storm yesterday is that the flowers are all very bedraggled. The hard freeze finally got to them. We were finally able to get out and walk on the levee in the sunshine with temps in the 60s today!

It was so nice that Ken was inspired to wash the truck. It looks all shiny and white again, with all the road grime washed away.

Not much else else happening. We made some final plans for the Super Bowl party tomorrow. Judy is feeling 95% better and sounded 100% better, so we expect to see her at breakfast in the morning and at the party. Pat is feeling pretty good, too, so she and Bob will be at the party. Let the snacking begin!

Ken walloped me at Rummikub tonight. I'm licking my wounds and planning revenge. We're getting ready to watch a Mystery episode--at least that's a non-competitive activity 8-)