Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Again

Kelly and Shonas joined us for breakfast again. His mother says he can't leave until her bathroom remodeling is finished--and who the heck knows how long that will take!

We walked in the park again today, partly to avoid the wind (around 25 mph with gusts up to 40--about what it's been the last few days). The Black Vented Oriole is still making appearances. One couple said they had had to sit for an hour before catching a glimpse of it.

At 4:00 p.m. we went to La Hacienda to dance. This would be Randy Dougherty's regular dance, but he's in Japan calling this weekend, so Ken Ritucci from Massachusetts was filling in for him. It's always good to hear a new voice. Darryl and Dekah were dancing and looked really cute together. The front of the hall looked like a motorcycle rally, since Ron and Jackie and Chuck and Shary were there too--all the bikers.

We watched a Nature program about the Legacy of Elsa, the Born Free lion. It was a plea for protection for the species, but also gives a more accurate (and less rosy) picture of the lives of Elsa and her foster parents.