Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Venture Spa Day

It's been a long time since we cleaned Venture, and the end cap was especially bad looking, covered with the remains of dead bugs from our travels. Today we decided to clean up our act.

We spent several hours scrubbing the trailer all over and used Gel Coat on the end cap. After baking on for so long, the bug spots required lots of vigorous scrubbing. I'm thinking I'd like to tackle the next batch in a more timely fashion.

Tonight I went out to view the Perseid meteor shower. In 15 minutes, I saw one spectacular meteor streak across the sky and considered myself lucky. This isn't the best viewing spot. My memory wandered back to a night seven years ago to the day--when Ken and I watched the Perseids from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. The sky there was very dark and the sky to the north free of clutter, so we saw many, many meteors.

Tomorrow we'll have to move on.