Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mall Walking

We started our morning  by going mall walking. We've been walking at Home Depot or Lowes when it's too cold (for us) to walk outside, but this morning we decided to try the mall, which our friends have told us about. We got there about 9:00 a.m., an hour before the stores opened, and there were few other walkers, so it was easy to walk somewhat briskly.

We got to see all the store window displays and the decorations and stuff in the open areas. We haven't actually been in the corridors of this mall before, so we had plenty of things to notice, which does slow us down a bit. I couldn't resist taking a photo of this enormous bank of gumball machines.

After our walk we went over to the Verizon store to check out our options. We thought we wanted to change to a senior 2-line share plan, but the sales/tech person convinced us we'd be better off keeping our current plan and taking the promotional 6 Gigabytes of data per line for exactly the same price we're paying for our unlimited data.

But wait--how is that a deal? We're both eligible for new phones, but we can't get them without a new two-year contract. Ken's Galaxy S has been causing him problems, so he's really wanted a new phone for a while. He's looking to get the new Galaxy S4. I'll trade in my iPhone 4 on a new iPhone 5s. We have to back up all our data before trading the old phones in.

Tonight we picked up Steve and Jan to go to the next concert in the Community Concert series, the DePue Brothers Band. They describe their music as "grassical"--a combination of American roots music and classical. They put on an extremely enjoyable show, with humor, energy, and talent to spare.