Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold Spell

We hate to complain. The rest of the country is locked in bitter cold, and the worst we are expecting is a possible freeze tonight with 80% chance of sleet/rain (but "Little or no snow accumulation expected"). But we are not like the residents of Milwaukee, whose mayor was interviewed on the news tonight. She said they were tough and prepared for wintry conditions. We're not tough--we're wimps, and this weather sure feels cold to us!

Meanwhile we are hoping that our family members in the really cold areas are staying safe and warm. Sam KIK'ed me earlier to say that they are off school today and tomorrow because of snow days in Atlanta! I remember how overjoyed we were when our elementary school closed due to snow. A whole day off school to play in the snow!

We tried to do battle with AT&T over the DSL issue today, but our phone calls got us no more real information than before. Verizon has a limited number of DSL lines available, and they're all in use. We just have to check back regularly.... Bummer. We've been tearing our hair out over our slow and unreliable Verizon wireless signal (well, technically Ken doesn't have any to tear out, but you get the picture). Today we signed up for three days of the local WiFi distributor, LinkNGo. Turns out it's even worse!

Meanwhile, we are also looking into changing our Verizon Wireless cell service. We've been reluctant to give up our unlimited data plans (no longer available, but we're grandfathered in), but Ken really wants one of the newest smartphones, so we're checking into our options. One thing we found is that we're eligible for Verizon's special plans for seniors. Meanwhile, Ken is researching smartphones. We stopped at a Verizon counter today, but it turns out you have to go to an actual Verizon store. The nearest is in McAllen, so we'll probably check that out tomorrow.