Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Unbirthday to Us!

Today we had an “Unbirthday Party”! Lots of our friends we share our winter home in the RGV with have birthdays during other parts of the year. We don’t want them to feel left out, and hey! any excuse for a party, right?

One of the nice things about hosting a party is that it pretty much forces us to clean up the patio and the Texas room, which we’ve been meaning to do for a while, but we always seem too busy having fun. We put the lasagnas in the oven and the drinks in the cooler, and by 2:00 p.m. we were ready for the party to start.

As usual, our friends arrived bringing good cheer and good food, and a good time was had by all. We missed Sandy, who was feeling under the weather and figured the best thing to do was sit on the couch and do nothing. After dinner we sang a happy unbirthday song to ourselves and had our cake.

At 6:00 p.m. some of us went over to the hall to save some seats for the Redhead Express gospel concert. It was lucky we went early, because the hall filled up quickly. The group is popular, and this was their last appearance in the Valley. They are in Nashville now and have spent the last few months in studio with Paul Worley, who is producing their debut album. He also produced the Dixie Chicks and Lady Antebellum, and hopes are high that we’ll soon be able to say we knew them when!

The concert was high energy and lots of fun. The whole family is very talented. We saw them in February 2010, four years ago, and the little boys have definitely grown up and are contributing their musical talent to the show.

On our walks around the park we regularly pass one house that must have some whimsy in it. They always have a display of "pigs," and each time we pass, the group has moved around. It always makes me smile.