Saturday, April 10, 2010

Garage Sale Fun

The weather cooperated beautifully this morning, and there were lots of sales advertised. Carol whipped around from one to the next in her little Prius. The first few were closed when we arrived, but we found plenty open, some close enough to walk from one to the next. Both of us found some goodies and as usual had fun bargain hunting. I got three cute tops and some little presents for the kids.

After lunch I drove home in time to take a quick nap and a walk before going over to Ed and Julie's. On our walk, Ken pointed out a mama kildeer near her nest. She put on quite a show for us, fluttering and calling as she tried to lure us away from her nest.

Ed and Julie had tickets at Studio Movie Grill to see Date Night, a comedy with Steve Carell and Tina Fey. The kicker is that at SMG you can eat your pizza or burgers or whatever while you watch the movie.

Meanwhile, we got to have quality time with the grandkids. Ken watched Jesse while Cate and Sam and I played outside on the tire swing and drew pictures on the driveway with chalk. Cate specializes in pictures of princesses. Sam is enthusiastic and non-representational. Cate drew a hopscotch grid and invented some interesting rules to enliven the game.

I had to get creative myself to comfort Jesse, who had gas on the tummy, but overall we all did very well. Ed and Julie reported that they enjoyed the movie and laughed a lot. I was glad they could take advantage of some couple time.