Monday, March 1, 2010

March Comes In Like a Lion

As we sit in our cozy home tonight, it is buffeted by winds that creak and howl around it, with gusts up to 48 mph. Even though today was sunny and warm, tonight it felt chilly and blustery outside when we took our walk. We hope that the rest of the saying will prevail and that March will get to being more lamb-like shortly!

This morning we did our laundry. The dryers here are much more efficient than those at Bentsen Palm, so we may not choose to go to an outside laundromat. This afternoon was our last class with Randy. He taught the Siamese concept and Switch the Line. That concludes the C-1 list, except for Chain Reaction variations and some modifying terms, which Randy will be workshopping in his Tuesday afternoon workshop. We'll be dancing with more experienced C-1 dancers, but he says that they need some practice at the Chain Reaction variations too. Next week we'll start attending Darryl's Monday afternoon workshop too.
I spent a few minutes looking around a Fallas Discount Store today. Most of the merchandise was clothing, with just a little household section. I scored a pair of black stretch jeans on closeout for $1 and a couple of replacement mats for our bath area. The ones we've used the last two years were getting a bit worn--the latex backings always seem to deteriorate after a while, but they're good for keeping the rugs from slipping.