Monday, March 8, 2010

Darryl's C-1 Workshop

This afternoon we attended Darryl's C-1 workshop for the first time. We were pleasantly surprised that the class all did pretty well.

Tonight we went to the regular Monday evening Soup Night. A couple that owns a restaurant up north makes two kinds of soup every Monday evening. We were lucky to join the group tonight, since the chefs will only be here for one more week. For $4.50 each, we got salad, a choice of soup (we both had seafood chowder), bread, and fruit for dessert. It was all delicious, and we enjoyed the company.

Terri sent a link to the house they have applied to rent in Bethesda, Maryland. The first place was not available for the 3+ year lease they wanted, but the second choice looks great to us.