Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Sunday

We started the day with our usual Sunday morning breakfast with friends at Rosie's. Carol joined us again, and she had invited Ray and Pierrette. We haven't seen them in a while but we used to dance with them regularly at Joe's Wednesday morning Advanced dance.

Afterward we stopped to do some quick grocery shopping, including picking up some zucchinis and yellow squash for a summer squash casserole we took to the Super Bowl party. Once we got the food put away, we headed out on our bikes and rode down to the state park and around the outside loop, which makes a nice one hour bike ride. We actually saw an Altamira Oriole, Cardinal, and Great Kiskadee at the feeders by the Nature Center on the way out. That was a real treat because we've been seeing mainly LBBs and mockingbirds.

We made our casserole in a 9 x 12 pan. To keep it warm and protected on the way to the party, we put on the plastic cover and put it in a Styrofoam cooler. There was extra room in the cooler, so I stashed a couple of other things, including a lightweight plastic bowl and lid. Definitely a mistake-- when we opened the cooler we found a melted puddle vaguely shaped like a bowl. It went straight in the recycle bin.

As usual, G.W. and David threw a great Super Bowl party with lots of good food and good company. As for watching the game, probably half of the folks spent more time playing cards and visiting rather then focused on the TV. I don't think anyone was too invested in which team won, but it was a good game. The halftime show was more over-the-top spectacle than musical entertainment.

When all the dust had settled, Bill Kramer won the pool, We're not sure if the Kramers will host Super Bowl 2016 or if the party will be at G.W. and David's again. They have a great house for entertaining.