Monday, July 7, 2014

Last Day at Park Sierra

Today's our last day at Park Sierra. On our walk this morning we headed down to the creek. Actually right now it's a dry creek bed, so not much to see. Fortunately it was overcast today, so the heat wasn't as much of a problem for our walks. It tried to rain a couple of times, but only managed to spatter us with a few drops. This area could use a good solid rain.

We did our laundry and took the recycles over to the clubhouse. The park has rather limited recycling, but every bit helps. After lunch Ken worked on airing up the truck tires, which were all low. I spent some frustrating hours talking to insurance companies, but did make some progress.

Lynn Cross stopped by this evening to say goodbye and wish us safe travels. I did some cleaning to prepare for the move. I don't like to pull the slides in when there might be grit on the floors, especially since we have tile in the living room. Not a very exciting day, but we still consider ourselves very lucky to be able to travel.