Sunday, July 27, 2014

Catching Up

We have a place to stay in Seattle. Finally. It’s titled rather whimsically “Roots @ the Center of the Universe” It should work well for us because it’s right on a bus line to downtown.

There is one bright side to not having our DirecTV working. We're catching up a bit on our backlog of things to watch. We had started some time back watching a 5-DVD set of the BBC's Planet Earth. The scenery is spectacular, of course, and we learn all kinds of fascinating things. Over the last few days we’ve been watching the rest of the episodes.

The final two episodes are bonus tracks from the Natural World, on Desert Lions and Snow Leopards. We are always impressed by the dedication, patience, and persistence of wildlife photographers. They do things like trek for five months looking for a snow leopard and philosophically chalk it up to experience when they end up photographing marmots with nary a snow leopard in sight.

As usual, the wifi was unreliable today, so we didn’t make any progress on our projects requiring good internet.

We’re planning an outing tomorrow, so we may actually get some photos.