Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Winter, Again?

Well, the high today was 69°. Sounds like a nice day, until you realize that it might have been that warm before you woke up, but the rest of the day went downhill. Most of the day it was very windy, cold, and rainy. Just the kind of day for packing up to move an RV after sitting in one place for almost four months--not! We ended up going to the mall to do our walking today.

This evening we went to Joe Saltel's C-1 dance, one of our favorites. We started with four squares, but ended the evening with five squares. Some of the dancers were having difficulties, but we enjoyed the evening, as always. Joe's mom runs the check in table. She is so sweet. He still has his iPad set up to show off his new granddaughter.

Tomorrow is moving day. We have to get up early to have the rig at Bert Ogden's by 10:00 a.m.