Monday, February 3, 2014

Quiet Day

Not much happened today. We picked up Steve and Jan to go to Darryl's dance this afternoon. We had ten squares and three couples sitting out. After the dance he called a class level C-2 tip. We did pretty well. I was glad to have Chuck for my corner to help me out.

We did some laundry. We walked (but only for half an hour--forgot to do our afternoon walk). We remembered to pick up our mail, an oil filter I ordered from Amazon.

Tonight we watched yesterday's Downton Place episode.

Yesterday when I was making dips for the apple slices we were taking to the party, I had a strange experience. The chocolate dip came out just inedible. I wondered if there could possibly be something wrong with the cocoa powder I used, though I'd never heard of such a thing. I just tossed it out and made something else. Tonight I picked up the plastic bag of cocoa powder. Oops! It wasn't cocoa powder at all. It was garam masala! No wonder the dip was strange tasting! That's something that would be unlikely to happen to me if we weren't in an RV with limited pantry space. I often move items from their original containers into plastic bags or smaller containers to save space, which is why the cocoa powder and the garam masala were both in folded over plastic bags.....