Saturday, February 22, 2014

C-2 and Work

We had another C-2 class with Darryl today. He announced that next week's class will be the last Saturday class. Then we'll be on our own. No, just kidding! After that we will be encouraged to attend Darryl's regular C-2 workshop on Monday evenings and his C-2 dance on Friday afternoons. During the workshop on Mondays he will work on the calls we haven't learned yet, saying that all the C-2 dancers will benefit from some practice with these calls/concepts.

After class we came home and went to work. Ken cleaned the rest of the dead limbs and leaves out of the pruned trees. We washed down the buildings and used the pressure washer to clean some of the concrete. I cleaned out the cargo bay and started to reorganize it. Whew! Still more to do, but we've made progress.