Monday, August 12, 2013

Quiet Monday

Another hot day today, so we weren't terribly motivated to get out and do anything. We did do our laundry, but that's about it. Ken talked to customer service at Mor/Ryde about our TV lift, which has been wonky a couple of times lately. They transferred him to engineering, and the guy there decided that we need a new control module, which they are shipping out. We figured out that Postnet would accept the Fedex shipment for us at a very nominal fee--only $1--so we're having it shipped there.

Ken talked with his stepmom, Geraldine, today. He's been calling and leaving messages and not hearing back, so today he called Geraldine's daughter in New Hampshire, Sandra, and found out that Geraldine has moved to a new apartment in the assisted living area of Mease Manor and has a new phone number. We've made plans to visit her on Wednesday to take her out to lunch.

Another day with no rain--that's good. Now if it would just cool off a touch!