Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway

We hiked another part of the Florida Trail today on  the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. The Greenway occupies land acquired for a cross Florida canal which was never built because of environmental concerns. Now the Greenway is dedicated to environmental and recreational use, with trails for hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking.

We started at the 49th Avenue Trailhead. The hiking trail is part of the Florida Scenic Trail, with its familiar orange blazes. We felt right at home.

Along the way we saw lots of spider webs. Many of them were quite large and elaborate. The spiders were large too, with striped legs. We think they are probably banana spiders.

We didn't see much other wildlife, except for plenty of butterflies and a few birds, like this Pileated Woodpecker we heard drumming high overhead.

The destination of our hike was the Land Bridge, which offers safe passage to hikers and others, including wildlife, across I-75.

Our total hike was 5.5 miles, and we were home before noon, which is important, because you wouldn't want to be hiking during the hotter parts of the day. We wore plenty of insect repellent but still got bitten, darn those mosquitoes! All in all it was a successful hike.

I called Anara this evening to wish her a happy birthday. Her birthday is actually tomorrow, but Chris and Shawn were celebrating it today.