Friday, August 2, 2013

Good News and a Quiet Day

Jeff called last night. He had posted something on Facebook on Wednesday:

So it looks like I totally kicked it's ass. I appreciate all the support I received. For those of you who don't really know what I'm talking about, just be happy.
Sounds like he's whipped the cancer. He called Ken last tonight to tell him about it. He says that the two top experts in the rare form of cancer he had have recommended against chemo. That's really good news. He is staying with his Uncle Kevin still and doesn't know what assignment he'll get next.

We stayed home today and didn't do anything too ambitious. We did a little cleaning: I cleaned out the fridge and Ken went over the woodwork with Old English. He checked the tire pressures. The rest of the day we just messed around. I looked at recipes on the web. We renewed our Coach-Net membership for another three years. (They provide us with emergency assistance on the road.)

As usual, it rained a bit today. It was sunny, and the sky was blue, and we suddenly started hearing raindrops on the roof. The rain didn't really amount to much. It's rained nearly every day since we've been in Georgia and Florida. I said something to someone yesterday, and she replied, "Well you are in Florida in the rainy season."

We had fun playing some Rummikub tonight.