Friday, July 5, 2013

Liz and Roger Visit

This morning we went for a walk around the neighborhood and took Bijou and Charlie. We have not had very good weather for walking around here. It was raining--again

This afternoon, Ed and Julie and the kids went to see Despicable Me 2. We had watched Despicable Me on DVD here yesterday and didn't see any need to see the sequel, so we went shopping and checking out places to keep our trailer after Sunday instead. We were headed for Twin Lakes, but as we were driving south on US 19, we saw a sign for the fairgrounds.

We called the fairgrounds and then stopped by and now we have a spot to take our trailer to Sunday afternoon through Thursday. We're hoping that by then we'll have an appointment to have the brakes fixed. .

This evening Liz and her boyfriend Roger came to visit. I've known Liz since she was born but we hadn't seen each other in twenty years. (She is my ex-husband John's sister Fran's daughter, so she was my niece.)Liz and Roger now live in Hendersonville, NC, which is near Asheville, about a three hour drive from here. They have a camper and are staying at Stone Mountain. Last night they watched the fireworks and laser show on the mountain. They said a woman nearby was asking if that was a rock up there, and yup, it's a mountain.

Liz and Roger came over for dinner, but we had finished eating by the time they got here because they got stuck in traffic.

Ed had gotten frozen pizza for dinner including DiGiorno rising crust pepperoni. The crust was pretty thick and soft, but the flavor was good. It was nice catching up with Liz. She works in customer service at a bank in Asheville. Roger is a plumber, and Ed and Julie took advantage of his expertise. Julie took Roger down to the basement to ask about some mystery pipes, and Edward asked about how to improve the water flow in the house.

Liz and Roger invited Ed and Julie and the kids to stay with them when they come to visit the Biltmore Estates, which they are hoping to do. Liz said the gardens are beautiful anytime, but they are especially spectacular when the roses are in bloom.

This evening on our walk we ran into some mysterious biting insects which we could not see. Unfortunately they could apparently see us well enough to bite the heck out of my arms. I scratched my arms so hard through my shirt that I bruised my upper arms and look like I've been abused.