Saturday, March 13, 2010

Farewell Barbecue

The park had a farewell barbecue today--any excuse for food and fun. Many people are getting ready to head north.

I think the cooks are cleaning out the freezers. They served hot dogs, barbecued pulled pork, and barbecued shredding chicken on buns, baked beans, chips, condiments, cake, and drinks--all free, just bring a smile. We met a couple from Edinberg. Robert had been in the Air Force, and she had worked at Northrop Grumman in Pico Rivera reviewing cost estimates. They married three years ago. We talked about square dancing. They ballroom dance, and he has been interested in square dancing, but she was concerned about all the petticoats and fancy dress. We assured them that there is a lot of variation in dress and that prairie skirts are fine. She said she could live with that, and they said they would take lessons next fall.

This morning on our walk we noticed the sky was an unbroken blue, with only a hawk circling overhead in an updraft. This evening we took our walk around sunset, and the western sky had wispy cirrus clouds, white against the blue sky, then touched with orange from the setting sun. It was a lovely day.

We watched Master and Commander with Russell Crowe on DVD today. It was okay but not great in our opinion. I didn't care for the noisy, chaotic, bloody battle scenes, and Ken felt the characters were not well motivated.

Debbie's baby was born this morning, a boy named Samuel. She was hoping to deliver normally rather than having to be induced, so I'm sure she's happy about the birth. We'll get to see the baby when we go over to Tyler for Carol's birthday party next month.