Saturday, December 19, 2009

Laundry Day

Another lazy Saturday. We slept late and had brunch (oranges and corned beef hash with eggs). Then we did four loads of laundry. Later we gave the truck a quick wash to get the worst of the mud and grime off. It still needs a thorough cleaning and wax job.

For supper I made broccoli salad and bean soup with Carol's brown bread. I won't have to cook for a while since the fridge is full of leftovers. We played a game of Samurai and then had leftover bread pudding with yogurt and lemon sauce for dessert.

Most of the day was taken up with doing research and messing around on the web. We called to reconfirm our Yellowstone reservation, despite the fact that they'll be replacing the electrical system, so we won't have any electric. I discovered a really neat Droid app--Barcode Reader--and decided to try it out on a book, the biography of John Adams that Ken is reading. The barcode scanner immediately identified it as a book and offered a choice of product search, book search, and search book contents. I was amazed to find that the content search on the name "Hartley" immediately displayed the three occurrences in the book, in context. Wow!