Saturday, December 26, 2009


We picked up our friends Hardy and Judy and went to the Tinseltown Cinemark to see Avatar in 3D. From the moment that "Don your 3D glasses" came on the screen, we entered an eye-popping world that seamlessly blended humans and CGI and put both on an alien planet full of mystery and danger and adventure enough for five or six movies. In fact, it almost seemed that we were watching or participating in fragments of several movies from the past, only on steroids. It was quite an experience, a milestone in cinematography or animation or graphics or something almost beyond any of those. If you saw an IMAX version, you might feel your heart stop when the ravening beasts or equally vicious mercenaries attacked.

The rest of the day seemed positively tame by comparison. We did some shopping and sorted through some photos and just hung around.

Terri called this evening. She was thinking about her grandmother, who of course has not been far from my thoughts, along with my brothers and others loved ones that I miss a lot, especially this time of year.