Saturday, March 14, 2009


Terri wanted to know more exactly when we plan to be in Rhode Island this fall, so we sat down with our calendars and maps and did some research on the web so we could put some dates on our arrival and departure from New England. We also took a stab at penciling in some destinations on the way to Portland. This is an ongoing effort. At one point we thought we would just wander as free spirits, but it's turned out that we have chosen to make plans to visit family and friends and to travel with friends, which has meant that we do have some target dates constraining our wanderings.

Ken has DeLorme Street Atlas on his laptop, and he's been working to add custom data to the maps and to plan and save routes. I mainly use Google maps, and today I installed Google Earth and figured out how to export a KML file from Google maps and open it in Google Earth, for a more complete view of a proposed route.

I also spent some time backing up my files and creating a backup image of my entire computer.