Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl, Super Party

Hardy and Judy hosted a great Super Bowl party this evening. The game was engaging and the food was delicious--all made even better by sharing it with friends. In addition to Hardy and Judy and us, Bob and Pat, C. B. and Nancy, John and Sandy, and G. W. and David were there. David had the winning square, which means that he and G. W. will host the party next year. G. W. says that David makes a wicked lasagna, so we are all looking forward to Super Bowl XLIV. It's a good thing Ken and I didn't win--it would be tough to fit 12 in Venture to watch the game.

For breakfast we had grapefruit, sweet potato cubes, veggie frittata, and toasted English muffins. For the party we took a veggie tray and some pumpkin spice cookies. The party menu included ham sandwiches, Calico beans, potato salad, and an assortment of pudding and Cool Whip pies.