Friday, February 20, 2009

Sikorsky Dance

This afternoon we went to Las Palmas Grand to dance A-2 DBD to caller Mike Sikorsky. We'd been warned that it was a mostly "nonstop" dance--very few short breaks between tips--and it turned out to be an even five squares, so everyone danced every tip (after the first two, when fewer were there). Mike was very upbeat and kept the dancers moving.

We were happy to see old dancing friends Don and Diane, whom we have met many times at Romney's weekends in Southern California. It turns out that they are good friends of Paul and Dalya too and will stay with Paul and Dalya during Nationals in Long Beach. That will be very convenient, since Paul and Dalya's home is in Seal Beach.

Las Palmas Grand is quite an upscale resort, with extensive amenities. The housing is modular, but the effect is of a well landscaped neighborhood (with no RVs). The ballroom had a wood floor and was very pleasant to dance in.

The dance level was not as high as we had hoped, but we've been spoiled by dancing with Romney and recently in the Rio Grande Valley with Darryl Lipscomb and other great callers. Winter Texans flock to square dancing in the RGV, and fewer dancers are coming to the Mesa area these days.

By the time the dance was over, Ken's leg was really bothering him, so we decided to stay home and rest instead of going out. Jan and George had invited us to join them at Sal's for dinner with Jan's friend Karen, and the square dancers were going to a dinner show. We enjoyed the peaceful desert scenery at the park. Jeff called to say that he is planning to leave San Antonio on Monday and travel to El Paso, so he'll be here earlier than he had earlier planned on Tuesday. We'll have more time to visit, and he'll join us for dinner with Jan and George and Ron, etc.