Monday, January 5, 2009

Moving Day

We've moved! Well, not very far . . . just from #515 to #244 (actually closer than it sounds). For such a short move, it was a definite hassle, almost as much trouble as actually traveling. Gary and Mary Ann kept Sweetie at their rig while we got things set up. When I stopped by to get her, she was practically beside herself, as usual when she's gotten nervous about being left behind. She scampers around like a young dog! Here's the new campsite...

For lunch we had the creamy broccoli soup leftovers--pretty yummy with enough yogurt, and we finished off the fresh pineapple. For supper I decided to make the crab and broccoli quiche we've always liked, only there were two issues. One is that I used canned crab, which I will never do again. I've always used imitation crab meat. The other is that I don't think I've actually found the right recipe. I hate it that I lost all my recipes when I transferred files from the Vaio to my laptop. My only explanation is that it was a hectic time--we were selling everything and getting ready to fulltime. Most of the recipes I've been able to reconstruct or find on the web, but not all.