Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

We had a lovely first day of the year--mild and sunny. It is hard to believe it is 2009. In February we will celebrate our first year on the road, but we have already lived in Venture for a year now. The time has flown by, and nearly every day we find something more we want to see or do... Today Ken found a website for a program called Take Pride in America, which lists and describes volunteer opportunities on public lands. We might be interested in being campground hosts or doing other volunteer work in 2010.

First thing this morning we restored all the furniture and things to their regular places after letting the carpet dry overnight. The clean carpet looks 100% better--we'll plan to schedule a cleaning every year here. Now we're thinking about having the fifth wheel washed and waxed professionally. It definitely needs some attention after sitting here for two months.

This afternoon we spent some time sitting in the sun on the patio, reading and enjoying the day. The park is filling up, with lots of rigs arriving today as expected. Our circle now has only one empty space.

Chris and Annie called to wish us a happy New Year. They were at a coffee shop and planning to go to Powell's. Annie is really into playing Rolando on her iPhone.

For lunch we had creamy broccoli soup, which was much better after we added yogurt, brown bread, and apple slices with creamy caramel dip (leftovers from the snacks we took to the dance last night). For supper we had green bean salad and veggie chili with blue corn muffins. The muffins, with butter and honey, are always a hit.