Friday, December 26, 2014

Back to Dancing

After a few days off for the Christmas holiday, we were back to dancing today. We went to Darryl's C-2 dance in McAllen. G.W. and David brought their Canadian friends along. Peter and Pearl from Ottawa were on their cruise last spring, and they became good friends. G. W. and David invited them to come to the RGV this winter. They are renting a place for January through March, and the guys hope to get them started in beginner square dance lessons.

We stopped by the 99 Cent Only store on the way home. After we put the food away, we took our afternoon walk, and then it was time to move on to dinner. We have plenty of leftovers, so that wasn't much of a production. Today is the last day of our Verizon month, and we still had bandwidth left, so Ken is spending the evening uploading photos to Flickr.

I went over to the Friday night movie at the clubhouse, The Holiday. Steve and Jan and Hardy and Judy were there. It's a cute movie, but not my favorite, and something I ate wasn't sitting well, so I came home before it was over. That's one advantage of a free movie a short walk from home.