Monday, February 11, 2013


We woke up to surprising news: Pope Benedict XVI had announced his resignation. Resignation? I grew up Catholic and don't recall ever hearing of a pope resigning (although now we're reading that there have been a very few such resignations in the church's 2000 year history).

We walked again today, morning and evening, because we haven't repaired my bike tire yet. It was one hot day, that's for sure. We're beginning to see more butterflies. I think they like the warmer weather, plus more flowers are out.

This afternoon we had eleven squares at Darryl's, plus three out couples. Darryl had a lot of trouble getting the computer list of couples to match up with the couples actually on the floor, so the dance was delayed. The whole floor was having difficulty with "make magic" and "magic transfer." So of course we did them again and again....

Once the sun goes down, the weather cools off like a charm.