Thursday, December 27, 2012

What Day Is It?

Somehow the holidays have left me really mixed up about what day it is--too many "Sundays" or something.

This morning it was chilly. We put our laundry in the washing machines and went to the exercise room to walk on the treadmills (and read). It warmed up in the afternoon, fortunately.

This evening we danced to Darryl. He called a lot of "Alter the Wave" with modifications to the number of diamond circulates. The floor was having trouble. It's much easier to do the automatic thing.

For supper tonight I made some yummy and warming turkey soup with leftovers from the turkey breast we fixed Monday. At the dance tonight, several people around the table said that they too had fixed soup. Pat made bean soup with the ham bone from their Christmas ham. The chilly weather must bring out the soup pots.