Thursday, October 27, 2011

On to Tyler

While we were eating breakfast, the Montana that we saw pulling in last night pulled out. Our departure leaves one unit in the Bright Star area, and that's the one that the people only show up at night. We took our final walk through the largely deserted park, enjoying the birds chirping and flying overhead. We saw a pair of cardinals. It's been a pleasant, relaxing stay, and we'll definitely stay again if we're in the area (like the next time we go to TEXPACC).

We were the only ones at the dump station, which was good, because we took a long time. We had a drip from one of the fittings on our Pivot-EZ sewer hose holder. Since we had to take it apart to try to fix it, we wanted to get the tank and hoses especially clean. Yukky job, and we think we probably still have a slight drip, which we'll need to tackle again. Fortunately the park we moved to in Tyler, Spring Creek, has full hookups.

Today was definitely cold. The cold front arrived on schedule. However, the predicted rain managed to miss us. We had some very brief light drizzles on the road, but no rain while breaking or setting up camp. We were glad to get set up and turn on the electric heater to warm the place up. This evening we heard a light shower on the roof, but it didn't last long.

It's a good thing we've been to this campground before. We made our reservations on the web and paid in advance. We called yesterday to talk to Phyllis, the lady who worked part time in the office, but got voicemail--and no call-back. No one was in the office when we arrived, and no note to tell us where to go. We just went to the site we've been on before and set up.

When Ken called the number again, he reached the owner, who said he was in the hospital having a knee replacement. He's a one-man operation now (no Phyllis, I guess), and he won't be here for the next few days. What on earth would we have done if we'd been new to this place? It's apparently mostly long term.