Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween on Eagle Street

When we got up this morning and looked out, we saw a geyser of water erupting from a trailer in the row behind us. I put on my raincoat and went to see if a hose had blown. I couldn't get very close, but it appeared that the pipe to the water faucet had broken, so I called the owner. He's home from the hospital, but still bedridden, and he sounded pretty discouraged and like he really didn't know what to do, but he did mention shutting off the water to that section.

We decided to add more water to our fresh water tank, just in case. A little later we saw a repair truck at the trailer and the leak was stopped. The repair truck left and came back twice, so we figure the guy needed parts. When I talked with him about the cause of the problem, he said he really didn't know, but someone had suggested that a wild hog might have broken the pipe--as good a theory as any, I guess.

After lunch we went over to Dick and Carol's for a final visit. Debbie dropped Robby off on her way to pick up Christine from school, asking Carol to feed him. Carol had just the thing, a small bowl pack of Chef Boyardee ravioli, which Robby loves. He ate that and ran outside to play.

When he came back in he asked for an umbrella and proceeded to explore and explain various imaginative ways to use an umbrella and also announced that it was a nonagon. We counted the sides and the points--only eight, so I declared it an octagon. He still liked nonagon better! He said that I was nice and that Ken was nice. I asked if he was thirsty for his milk, which Carol had put in the fridge. When he said he was, I said I'd bring it to him. "See," he said. "That's how I know you're nice!" What a character!

Debbie stopped by with Christine. She said that Sam was running a bit of a temp, so Robby was going to trick or treat with a friend. She and Christine were going to stay home and hand out candy. I hugged them goodbye until next April.

This afternoon we were getting ready to head out for a walk when Carol decided to snap our picture by her front door, decorated to welcome this evening's trick or treaters. We wore our Halloween alien shirts, which we only get to wear once a year. Ken suggested that they'd be good to wear out hiking during hunting season.

Carol's neighbor down the street really goes all out with the decorating. It was hard to get photos of the lights in the dark, but I did get one shot of this ghost and cat. The guy was using a mike and scary voice to invite kids up to his door to get their candy. After I'd taken several photos, he came up to me and handed me a grape Tootsie Roll Pop, saying that next year if I wanted candy I'd have to come to the door! Just for nostalgia's sake, I ate the pop. When I was a kid, it was one of my very favorites.

The neighbors across the street had their haunted tent open for trick or treaters, and flocks of them came to go through the spooky tent. Loud spooky music emanated from it, along with flashing colored lights and the screams of kids. I went though it, just for fun. It was definitely an assault on the senses, but I got a treat at the end.

Lots of kids came to Dick and Carol's door. Many were fascinated by the revolving colored light ball she had lit on a table inside the door. It gave something like the effect of a mirror ball. We saw lots of cute little kids in costume, some babies in arms. There were also lots of older kids, and even one mother with her own treat bag.

Carol ran out of candy just in time--she was ready for bed. We said our goodbyes and headed home.

We did some more laundry today, including washing the new striped sheets. They didn't come with matching pillow cases. When we put them on the bed, I commented that it was a bit of an aesthetic challenge to see our old pillowcases with the new sheets. Ken suggested that I could keep my eyes closed while I slept. Smart aleck!