Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Our project today was putting in some pavers so we wouldn't have to walk through the mulch in the planting bed on our way to and from the truck. We walked around checking out the pavers and stepping stones that other people had put in. When we walked past Darlene's motorhome, she happened to be standing out front. When we asked about her pavers, she said that there were some back in the maintenance area that anyone could use.

We picked up three large (very heavy) pavers and brought them back to the rig. At that point we decided we needed more, so we went back and got the last matching large one and some smaller ones. We've placed them, but not dug out and leveled spaces for them. We're going to see how the placement works first.

This morning Nick's RV Wash came by to wash and wax the rig. Ken got up early to be ready for them, since they said they'd come at 7:00 a.m. They actually didn't show up until about 8:00, and by 8:30, the banging noises had thoroughly waked me up too. It was all worthwhile--Venture looks clean and shiny.

We have new neighbors. A motorhome pulled in to site #519 with a medium size white dog.

We went to the laundromat later in the afternoon. We had the place pretty much to ourselves. It's clean and well maintained. The only complaint I have is that the television runs constantly, often with Spanish language programming featuring loud talk shows.