Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On to Oshkosh

This morning Ed and Marlyn drove out early to get the new tires installed on their Alpenlite. While they were gone Nanci, Jenske, and Judy set up a hair salon, and everyone got dolled up. We all had to line up to dump on our way out, since we won't have any hookups for the next four days.

Then we met at Mullins Cheese Factory, just around the corner from the Lake DuBay Shores Campground where we stayed. We all sampled the fresh cheese curds and stocked up on Wisconsin cheeses. We've never had cheese curds before, but we had heard that fresh one squeak. These certainly did! They were mild and delicious. Judy ordered some deep fried cheese curds, which everyone got to try.

The trip to Oshkosh took a couple of hours. When we arrived it was around 2:30 and the afternoon air show was underway. We got to see the A380, the largest passenger jet in the world, arrive and fly around as we registered.

Our five rigs headed for the pet area of Camp Scholler, which is the name of a large field used as a camping area during the annual AirVenture. The pet area was full, so we were directed to an overflow area out beyond the dump stations and towards the highway. The volunteer who showed us the way said that there were already 25% more campers than last year, and traditionally Wednesday is a busy day for arrivals. We don't know where they'll put them!

After we parked and set up, everyone got out lawn chairs and sat down to watch the air show. Of course we could only see the planes up in the sky, but the show was impressive. One plane did dives and loops while a woman wing walked (only visible with binoculars)--amazing! Large groups flew in formation, and there was lots of smoke and aerobatics. Marlyn climbed on the roof of their trailer to get a better view.

We all have wristbands for admission to the grounds tomorrow and Thursday. There's so much to do that it will be hard to choose, but Ken has a few things picked out, and of course we plan to be on the flight line for the air show tomorrow afternoon.