We had our teeth cleaned this morning by a dentist we picked off the Delta Dental list. He turned out to be a semi-retired 80-year-old with a fund of stories about Oshkosh and about his career. Unfortunately we don't think we got very good cleanings.
After lunch we went to the EAA AirVenture Museum, where we saw lots of airplanes and aviation memorabilia. Most interesting were the replica of the Voyager, which made the only non-stop non-refueled flight around the world, and Space Ship One, which won the X-Prize. (At AirVenture, visitors have a chance to get a reservation for a flight into space.) The museum also features many unusual aircraft designs. For example, the Baby Bird is a very cute, very tiny monoplane.
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Afterwards we watched the airshow again, with some repeat performances and some new ones. Again the aerobatics were impressive. We were disappointed that the White Knight Two did not take off because of severe weather issues in the neighborhood, though the AirVenture grounds never got anything more than showers.
The Rutan Legacy has a large display at the AirVenture Museum, with displays of Voyager, White Knight One, and Space Ship One, among others. Both Burt and Dick were very much in evidence at the airshow this year.
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