Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cate's Cross Country Race

Cate was one of a team who represented her school, Wester Middle School, in a 1.5 mile race today. She had to qualify on Monday to be on the team. Go, Cate! Here she is with her teammates in a huddle before the race.

A large park of seventh grade girls from several middle schools competed in Cate's race. The school was thronged with students and families who had come out to watch their racers in the various events, so it was hard to find a parking space. I dropped Ken and the boys off to join Ed outside the fence to watch the start of the race. I made it back in time to watch the start of the race. The whole pack ran across the field and then followed a lead ATV on their assigned course. They came around in front of us, and then we moved to the finish line.

Meanwhile Molly was running a bit late, so she missed the finish. So did I, because I ran to the truck to get some anti-itch cream for Ed's bee sting. A bee attacked him on outside of his right eye, and it hurt like heck and was beginning to swell up.

Cate came in #60, running all the way. We were all proud of her.

After the meet we all went to the house for a pasta dinner. Cate, Ed, Molly, and I played Ingenious! Molly was talked with her mom and Kelley on the phone, and they advised her to give up right away, since Cate always wins. She definitely won this time, but was neck and neck with her dad until Molly and I blocked him. We figured it was only right to let the youngest player win....