Thursday, October 22, 2015

TMA and Visiting Friths

This morning we went to Fresh by Brookshires, a huge store with a large selection, hoping especially to find decaf Constant Comment and decaf Red Rose teas. We did find the Constant Comment, but not the Red Rose.

Afterward we went over to Hurzelers' house to meet up with Dick (Carol was at work). We walked over to the Tyler Museum of Art, which is on the TJC campus.

Our mission was to see an exhibition of Ansel Adams photography that featured his early works. We recognized many of the subjects from his later work at Yosemite, but the format was much smaller. He issued a portfolio titled Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras, in 1927, and many of the prints we saw were subjects in that book.

The other current exhibition was of granite sculptures by Candyce Garrett. We viewed the ones in the exhibition hall, but there are more larger pieces placed around the campus.

When we returned to the house, Carol had arrived, and after school the Friths came over for a brief visit. Robert, Debbie, Robby, and Sam came, but Christine was busy with some after school activity.

Robby loves to work on the computer. He was showing Sam videos of tornadoes

The new middle school on Golden Rd. at the end of the block, the Moore MST Magnet School, opened this fall. We watched the construction on our previous visits. It's a most impressive building and, from what we hear, a most impressive school. It's a magnet school for math, science, and technology. Carol says Christine regrets that it was not open during her years in middle school, when most of the classroom were in portable buildings.
