Friday, July 9, 2010

Fishing Bridge

We left Grand Teton National Park this morning. As we drove north on Hwy 89, we got to see the mountains one last time. At the Oxbow Bend Turnout, the snow-capped mountains were reflected in the still waters of Jackson Lake.

As we drove north, the terrain changed. In Yellowstone, we passed through burned areas with several years growth on the new Lodge Pole Pines springing up to heal the scars. We passed Lake Lewis, and then we drove along the shore of Yellowstone Lake, winding around West Thumb and the Lake District until we finally came to Fishing Bridge.

That's a bit of a misnomer now, since no fishing is allowed from the Fishing Bridge, to protect the cutthroat trout that spawn there. As we drove towards the campground, we suddenly saw an adult bison bull standing right on the side of the road. If he'd decided to cross the road, we'd have had a delay.

We pulled into the campground with some trepidation, since reviewers online had described the spaces as very tight and the campground as a big parking lot. We were lucky enough to get a space on the end of a row, and with careful positioning, we got Venture set up, with slideouts deployed, and we could still get the truck parked. It was a tight fit, but we were very glad to have gotten a space that would accommodate our dually. The folks working at the registration desk couldn't have been nicer.

After lunch we set up the DirecTV dish and the HughesNet Internet dish. The campground has many tall pine trees, so we weren't sure we would be able to find the satellites, but Ken did a great job, as usual, and soon we were in contact with the outside world. Well, partly. There's no cell service in the campground area. We were able to set our Droids to use Wi-Fi, so as long as we're near the rig, we can actually still access the Internet on them.

On our walk we spotted this interesting setup, with solar panels on flexible mats. We stopped by later when the owner was outside, and he told us that his company, Power Film, builds and sells these innovative units.

It was sunny all afternoon, but this evening it rained a bit, large drops that resounded on the roof, but only for a short while. After supper we went for another walk. This time we wore jackets....and mosquito repellent. Ken said the best strategy was to walk fast so they couldn't catch up.