Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today was a pretty quiet day. We drove from the campground near Afton, Wyoming into Grand Teton National Park. First we stopped in Jackson to do some shopping. Then we headed north of town to go to the Gros Ventre campground in the national park. It has no hook ups and we'll be here 10 days, so we'll have to be rather conservative of water and electric.

The highlight of the day was seeing three very large owls on our walk this evening. They seemed to pay little attention to all the people watching them.

When we stopped to ask what was going on, a very nice French couple pointed them out and then let us use their binoculars. We didn't understand their French, but we did understand their pointing excitedly up into the tree.

We also saw these interesting vehicles.

Ken got the Qube set up, so now we have our TIVO again. We decided to watch a DVD but then it wouldn't play. Our composite cables must not be working. So we hooked up a yellow video cable and were back in business.