Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We've been at Cape Blanco State Park since Sunday, waiting to visit the lighthouse, which has been shrouded in rain and fog. Tomorrow looks to be another cold rainy day, probably good for doing laundry and not much else. We're also waiting for our forwarded mail to arrive at General Delivery at the Port Orford Post Office.

We visited the Hughes House, a beautifully restored Victorian home built in 1898 by a successful local dairyman and his wife, with all the latest conveniences of the day. The family sold the house and land to the State of Oregon in 1971, and it forms the bulk of the current state park.

The cold rainy weather seems appropriate for a sad day: today is the second anniversary of my mom's death. I talked with her last remaining sister, my Aunt Iris, today. She is just recovering from a bad fall down a flight of steps at church and has a way to go before she'll be back to her usual busy self.

Tonight for dinner we had the last of the delicious roast pork from the Park Sierra Easter dinner, with sauerkraut,and definitely delicious.