Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chris Returns

Annie and I headed out for her music lessons this morning, leaving Ken to guard the fort and take care of Sweetie. After her music skills lesson and violin lesson, we drove to a nearby cafe where we met Chris for lunch. He had flown in from Chicago around 10:30 a.m. and taken a cab home, where he discovered that he didn't have his keys, so he stashed his stuff and walked to the cafe, only to find that Annie didn't have her key either--it was on Ken's key ring. Fortunately their landlord was at the house and left a spare key under the mat, so we were able to get in to pack things for them to come stay in Troutdale for the holiday weekend.

We decided that since it was late afternoon a suitable adventure would be to bike into the historic section of Troutdale and walk along looking at the shops. Many were closed since it was later on Saturday afternoon, but we did get a chance to see some interesting artwork and Amish furniture.

Back at the rig we ate supper and played some games before turning in early.