Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Granger Lake

We're at a Corps of Engineers campground at Willis Creek on Granger Lake. We always like to have a lake view and found the place so appealing we decided to spend an extra night.

Lee gets our bikes ready for a ride around the campground and neighboring country roads.

This evening we are visiting the Toupses in Taylor, TX, which is just down the road. Lee's goddaughter, Jessica, will join us for dinner.

The last time we visited here was in July 2006. At that point we were considering retiring to Austin, so we flew here to check out local real estate. We are still inclined to think we might settle down in the Austin area at some point, but we have no firm plans.

When we were here last, the youngest Toups had just been born, so he's two now. I have trouble keeping up with the Toups clan once you get past Jessica, Anthony, and Sam, who were born in Nacogdoches. It's always good to catch up with old friends and find out what is happening in their lives. Jessica married Christopher Allen, a soldier, this spring. He's about to be deployed to Iraq again.