Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dancing and Stars

No, not quite the same as Dancing with the Stars! We went to Darryl's C-2 class at La Hacienda. We had four squares, including new students, some of last year's students (like us) and some more experienced angels. It was very helpful to go over the calls with explanations and walk through, so we actually learned a lot. Some of the explanations made more sense this time around, since we've had some experience dancing the level. Unfortunately Ken tripped over someone's shoe in a square and twisted, which hurt his back. He used a heating pad a couple of times and is feeling better tonight.

This evening I went with Jan and Steve to Hardy's star program at the state park. He gave a talk inside first, with some slides and some examples of telescopes. Then we went outside to try to see the conjunction of Venus and Mercury. The clouds and light pollution made some things difficult for me to see, but Venus definitely stood out brightly, and I think I saw Mercury using binoculars. I was having a lot more trouble seeing stars than other people were, so I guess my eyesight is definitely dimming.