Friday, March 22, 2013

Ken Is Home, Luggage Not

It's a good thing I left early to go to the airport in Harlingen to pick Ken up tonight. I spent the first half hour traveling less than a mile--just like old times in LA! I never did figure out what caused the jam, but it cleared up and I got to the airport about 7:50 p.m., which is when Ken's flight was due in. However, he was off the plane by 7:30 p.m.

When I walked into the terminal baggage area, I expected to find him waiting by his suitcase. Instead I found him in a line of folks whose bags had not made it onto the plane. We waited in line quite a while because there was only one agent on duty. Fortunately, the only thing he really needs from his suitcase is his shaver, which he can live without for a day. We're hoping the suitcase will be delivered tomorrow.

This morning I got up early to defrost the fridge before the tech arrived to perform the annual preventive maintenance required by Dometic to extend the warranty for another year. Dale drove here from Alamo. He spent an hour checking everything out. The only problem he found was low propane pressure, which he adjusted easily at the regulator.

Jan and Steve stopped by. It was good to see our friends again. They left the Valley eleven days ago and went to Choke Canyon, but they drove back today to pick up some mail. They'll spend the night in their Texas room an the gang will get together tomorrow.

I spent some of today talking with our local insurance agency about the policy they wrote on our Green Gate Grove property. There are always problems, it seems.

Speaking of problems, the high tomorrow will be 102 degrees. Ouch.