Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to the World, Baby Boy!

 Today was a beautiful day to be born.

Ed and Julie went to the hospital this morning as planned. The baby was being induced early because of complications, but the doctor assured them that he was about 7 pounds and that everything looked good. I thought he might be born by noon, but it was actually 3:53 p.m. when Jesse Edward Shaffer entered the world. Doesn't Julie look happy???

Cute, huh? but he cleaned up well.

Cate and Sam got to meet their new baby brother too.

Even though he was born at 37 1/2 weeks, he weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 3/4" and is holding his own quite well.

Here's his proud papa:

We're so proud and happy for them! I'll be flying up to visit next week (when he was scheduled to be born....). Julie's parents came last week to help out and will be staying for a while.
Neither Ken nor I feel very well today. My vertigo is quite minimal, but the upper respiratory/sinus infection is no fun. Ken is still healing well but tires easily. We went to Randy Dougherty's C-1 lesson today and "learned"
Scatter Scoot, the Concentric Concept, and T-Bone Formations. Honestly, we've "learned" so many calls recently that the dancers' heads are swimming!