Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today was supposed to be rainy here, but actually turned out to be fairly nice, though overcast. We were able to walk around the park. I took the laundry up to the north laundry room, hoping for better dryers. One of the park volunteers was at the laundry and told me that the machines there were newer--only one year old. They worked great.

We put the pressure regulator back in the line and turned on the water today, with towels to soak up the leak, which was pretty slow, so we did have running water. There wasn't enough pressure for a shower, so I went over to the park shower, which was pretty nice.

We spent some more time considering our options for water filters, etc. We talked to our neighbor, who has a very cool setup. He has rigged a small cooler to hold his two canister water filters, the first to remove sedimentation and the second to improve the taste and clarity.

We called a mobile RV repair person who lives in the park, Mark Brown. He had several things to do today, but said he'd try to make it over this afternoon. Around 7 p.m. he called an offered to come over, which we gratefully accepted.

Over four hours later, we had water again. Mark had to go to Home Depot for parts and be very patient and creative. Thanks, Mark!

Tomorrow is Ken's appointment to have his staples removed. He didn't take any pain pills after this morning--a very good sign.