Friday, January 15, 2010

Staple Removal

Today was another milestone on the road to healing. This morning we went to Darryl Lipscomb's dance. Ken visited with our friends, and during the tips he walked around the park or played on his Droid. I danced with Jean.

As soon as the dance ended, we headed for Harlingen, stopping only briefly to grab a Subway chicken breast sandwich which we ate quickly. It turned out to be "hurry up and wait" since we got to Dr. Six's office around 1:10 p.m. for Ken's 1:20 p.m. appointment, but Ken wasn't called until almost an hour later. The visit went well. Dr. Six was happy with Ken's progress, and the staple removal was nearly painless. Ken will go back February 8 for an x-ray to go over with Dr. Six as a baseline. The next x-ray will be in six months.

On the way home we stopped at Lowes to look at water filters and at Walmart for groceries. We were supposed to have thunderstorms today, but they never materialized. Instead we had sun most of the day and just a gentle rain tonight.

We finally decided on an audiobook to download: True Compass by Ted Kennedy. We were in Boston at the JFK Library shortly after Senator Kennedy's death and walked through the memorial display which highlighted his life and work. We will have to burn the book to CD to listen to it in the truck, since there is no Audible player available for the Droid yet.